In the Summer of 2001, The newly formed Bamboo Kids headed into New York City’s aptly named Junkroom Studios to record what was to become their debut release. It may sound cliche, but The Bamboo Kids wanted to make an album about living in the greatest city in the world and about having no money, about fucking in bathrooms, drugs, booze, all the things happening around them. They wanted to find the perfect mix of art and delinquency.
Junkroom was an appropriate setting with roaches and so-so sound made it just the dirty little rock and roll womb the band was looking for. Three days later, they emerged onto the sunlight streets of the West Village with an album.
After building a strong local following in 2002 and signing a regional deal with Norwegian label Big Dipper, the band decided to spend a hard year on the road. They played over 140 shows in 2003 from San Francisco to Trondheim, Norway. The band’s ferocious live performances spread their name and their reputation grew. When the band arrived home in October, 2003, they were surprised to discover that the New York City alternative rag ‘NY Press’ had named them “Best Unsigned Band” in New York.
The buzz eventually made its way to Pittsburgh and Get Hip Records’ Gregg Kostelich. Oddly, The Bamboo Kids had been eyeing Get Hip for a while, aware of the label’s love for no-nonsense rock and roll. The band was contacted by Kostelich in early 2004 and a deal was signed.