PAINT FUMES May 2018 Euro Tour
Fri. 11th – Radio Blackout, Torino
Sat. 12th – Edonè, Bergamo
Sun. 13th – Spazio Morel, Lugano (CH)
Mon. 14th – Kurzbar, Mannheim (DE)
Tue. 15th – Zxrx, Leipzig (DE)
Wed. 16th – Urban Spree, Berlin (DE)
Thu. 17th – Sonic Ballroom, Koln (DE)
Fri. 18th – Komet, Hamburg (DE)
Sat. 19th – Vera, Groningen (ND)
Sun. 20th – Pit’s, Kortrijk (BE)
Mon. 21st – Le Chaff, Bruxelles (BE)
Tue. 22nd – La Maroquinerie, Paris (FR)
Wed. 23rd – Conforte Moderne, Poitiers (FR)
Thu. 24th – Bermeo, Beleza Malandra (SP)
Fri. 25th – La Ley Seca, Zaragoza (SP)
Sat. 26th – Japan Rock Club, Castellon (SP)
Sun. 27th – Meteoro, Barcellona (SP)
Mon. 28th – Available Europe
Tue. 29th – Available Europe
Wed. 30th – Thunderbird Lounge, Saint Etienne (FR)
Thu. 31st – Loggia del Leopardo, Vogogna
Presented by Otis Tours and Wild Wax Shows

In the year of the horse, the ‘Fumes swelled in ranks with Ian Rose and Ben Carr of NC synth-topian punks Natural Causes, starting 12 thrash bands and surviving on nothing but hallucinations of vegetarian chimichangas. Together this crew ruined the beaches of Europe with Los Vigilantes, converted hundreds on the all-night diesel-powered festival circuit and in the midst of it all took a vacation down to Puerto Rico and committed to tape a new full-length that you should get every inch of, entitled If It Ain’t Paint Fumes It Ain’t Worth A Huff.
Are you ready for showtime in the sewer?!
The reconstituted, undiluted, all-original moldy trinity is back and it’s the Egyptian rats’ revenge! Powered by Brett Colton Whittlesey’s junkyard guitars, weaponized for maximum travelin’ speed while up in the spaceways in vicious post-Sharrock / Ayler cacophony: yeah, that’s when my mind split open. Givin’ the rhythm is Joshua Johnson, a one man groove section whose ripping gringo swing is the stuff of legends and in high demand with Bloodshot Bill, King Khan’s Tandoori Knights and his own lascivious brand, Wahyas. Out front is Elijah Von Cramon, master of the sharp-toothed groove and the lyrical lather, there’s nary a dry eye or crotch in the house when he lets loose on the microphone.
They don’t have to come back to the crossroads: they live here, honey. Their night beats your month. We need them now more than ever, so let us each relax, take a deep huff, and get bent to where we once were wrong.